his son doesn't really look like him, and dark fur is a dominant trait, so uh, Lil Cato is probs adopted cuz his dad is gay. (or he's not gay, maybe his s/o just didn't want a kid of their own???? or there is a possibility he is asexual and just wanted a kid. That could be a possibility since we surprisingly don't see little Cato or Avacado say a single damn thing about where the hell their third family member is. IDK.).
But. Let's really think about this for a second. I mean, really think about this. It cant be Cheryl; she still likes John. Clearance is ruled out because duh. Little Cato had a lowkey blush attack on Ash. Gary likes Quinn(even though I do suspect Gary is bisexual). Tribore(even though he isn't really considered to be a main character *I think of him as one...in my heart* ), well, we all know about them. A.V.A. and H.U.E are ruled out. There is a possibility that it's Fox or Ash(i think of the comment she made about Little Cato was slightly platonic.) because we don't know squat about their sexuality. Hell, maybe even KVN or Mooncake. But it could also be........the Lord Commander, cuz if it is, b e t.
Any thoughts?