The odds are hardly in the Team Squad’s favor.
On board
his own ship, the Lord Commander prepares for the attack. He is convinced the Titans chose him to open the breach.
Gary gives his crew some final words, in case they won’t make it.
Gary asks H.U.E. if he knows a way through the armada.
And he does; H.U.E. launches the lightfold engine at them….
….and detonates it. The explosion cripples almost the entire fleet.
The Galaxy One speeds towards the breach.
But the Lord Commander isn’t done yet.
H.U.E. activates the shields…
… but that won’t hold the Hives for long.
KVN and Mooncake defend the Galaxy One.
While the crew comes up with a plan. Gary suggests using a Hawk.
But someone will have to clear a path first, so Little Cato volunteers.
The last S.A.M.E.S. will back him up.
Gary is prepared to bring the bomb to the breach, and make the same sacrifice as his father.
To Gary’s annoyance, Tribore draws flames on the bomb to make it look cooler.
Quinn however is determined that she should be the one to close the breach.
And convinces Gary with a kiss.
The Hawks prepare for take-off.
Little Cato and the S.A.M.E.S. go first.
Combining their fire power…
…they punch a hole through the swarm.
And allow Quinn free passage.
Tribore calls in The Resistance for more backup.
The Hives break into the Galaxy One.
The S.A.M.E.S. don’t make it.
But the Resistance shows up to take on the final surviving ships.
However, Tribore is hit and his ship goes out of control.
Little Cato takes over command of the resistance, and goes straight for the Lord Commanders ship.
He breaks through the hull.
And lands in the ventilation system.
KVN congratulates himself on a job well done, but fails to notice there is a Hive right behind him.
Gary sees it, and sheds some tears….of joy!
Lord Commander calls back the Hives, and readies the dimension splitter.
Mooncake is surprised to see the Hives retreat.
Then he gets caught with a tractor beam.
Gary sees this, and thus fails to pay attention to the fight. He is stabbed by a Hive.
Mooncake is strapped into the dimension splitter.
Quinn approaches the breach, but the Hawk begins to malfunction.
So she takes the bomb and ejects.
Gary has defeated the last Hives. With great effort, he removes the pincer from his wound.
But the Galaxy One is damaged beyond repair.
H.U.E. wants to abandon ship, but Gary instead puts the Galaxy One on a collision course with the Lord Commander’s ship.
The Lord Commander orders to open fire.
It’s Little Cato. He prepares to kill the Lord Commander.
But then Gary makes his dynamic entry.
Little Cato is hurled into space.
The Galaxy One has sung it’s swan song, but H.U.E. is saved when he uploads himself to Gary’s helmet.
The Lord Commander survived, and is determined to finish his plan.
Gary attacks, but Lord Commander zaps him with some electrical cables.
And then zaps himself to gain a power boost.
He is unfazed by Gary knowing his real name, or the fact that Gary is John Goodspeed’s son.
Gary claims the Lord Commander was never chosen, but gained his powers by accident.
The Lord Commander is enraged by this.
And blasts Gary off the ship.
With no-one left to stop him, The Lord Commander activates the dimension splitter…
…which forces Mooncake to fire his energy into the breach…
…and forces it open enough for a titan to reach through.
Victory. The Lord Commander expects to become a titan himself now.
But it seems Gary was right. The Titan ignores Lord Commander…
…and instead grabs Earth, which he pulls into Final Space.
And there is more bad news. Quinn won’t be coming back. The mission is a one-way trip.
Like John Goodspeed years before, she sacrifices herself to detonate the bomb.
Lord Commander lost, and is closer to death than ever.
Gary is left floating in space. 10 minutes later, his oxygen is finally up.
As he dies, he finds himself in a white void, where his father awaits him.
Gary is offered the choice to come with John, or go back. Since Little Cato and Mooncake need him, he choses the latter.
John disappears, and Gary is floating in space again.
Then a white light shines on him. Is there rescue after all?