Kanopus Prime is a desolate planet located in the Kanopus Prime system at the end of a bump in time, where spacetime flows in a liquid state over a cliff like a waterfall. This waterfall creates what is known as "clearwater"; liquid windows that allow the inner being of the one who drinks it to see other dimensions.
Some time before the events of the series, the Lord Commander and his fleet went to Kanopus Prime. He asked The Order of the Twelve to tell him how to reach Final Space, upon which Helper Hula told him that he had to break dimensional walls, but that he could take a look drinking the clearwater.
After this, Lord Commander ordered Avocato to destroy the population of the planet; about four billion people. As such, the planet was left largely uninhabited, except for a species of bird-like creatures called Vagori. It is unknown if this attack is also what caused the planet to be broken in half, or if this was already so before the Lord Commander came.
In "The Closer You Get", an amnesic Avocato remembers his time in Kanopus Prime, so he informs the Crimson Light's crew that there they can contact Quinn Ergon, who was lost in Final Space. It worked, but it allowed Invictus to take over Gary's body.