Final Space Wiki

The Resistance is a movement led by Tribore. It is seen in two incarnations throughout the series.

First resistance[]

Final Space S1 E10 25

HQ of the first resistance

The first resistance was formed when the Infinity Guard was infiltrated by the Lord Commander. Tribore was chosen to lead it, since he was deemed pure of spirit and incorruptible. To symbolize their opposition towards the Infinity Guard, their flag was that of the Infinity Guard, with a red 'R' painted over it.

The Resistance came to the aid of the Team Squad when they attacked the Infinity Guard Spire to locate an Anti-matter bomb for closing a breach to Final Space. With the help of the resistance, the group found the bomb in an underwater base and took it to the Galaxy One. When the Lord Commander tried to stop the Team Squad with his armada, Tribore called in the entire resistance fleet to fight back.

With the breach closed and the Lord Commander dead, this incarnation of the resistance was dissolved.

Second resistance[]

Final Space S2 E12 8

Fleet of the second resistance

Final Space S2 E12 44

Tribore and resistance fighters

In the Season 2 episode "The Arachnitects", Tribore left the Crimson Light to rebuild the resistance, even though he lacked anything to resist against. By the time of "The Descent Into Darkness", he had managed to build up an impressive fleet and gather a large group of followers.

Gary called upon this new resistance for aid when he and the Team Squad where about to take on both Sheryl Goodspeed and Todd H. Watson for the Dimensional Keys. The resistance thus attacked the Happy Place and took out its crew, while Tribore dealt with Todd. When the Dimensional Keys Todd had onboard were secured, they destroyed the Happy Place.

It is unknown what became of this resistance when Tribore rejoined the Team Squad on the Galaxy One, which was then sent to Final Space.

