The Unborn Titan was an unborn Titan that slumbered deep within Earth's core. After centuries of dormancy, the Lord Commander merged himself with the Titan, becoming one with it and successfully achieving his goal of becoming a Titan.
The history of the Unborn Titan is entirely unknown aside from it having incubated in Earth's core presumably as long as the planet's creation.
In "Until the Sky Falls", Lord Commander discovers the Unborn Titan's existence while scanning Earth. Using a massive drill within his ship, he drills his way to Earth's core, eventually making his way to the Unborn Titan. The Lord Commander manages to successfully merge himself with the Titan, completing his goal of becoming a Titan. Following the fusion, the Titan is awoken and bursts from Earth's core, resulting in the destruction of the planet.
In "The Dead Speak", it's revealed that there is an unborn Titan nesting inside every timeline's version of Earth swallowed into Final Space, and Invictus is using them to form an army.
- The Unborn Titan seems to resemble the Xenomorph from the Aliens franchise.